

━━ n. 耐飈マッチ; 赤色閣(せん)光信号; 導火線 (fuse).


Dry sink

dry sinkfunction: noun date: 1946 : a cabinet with a tray top for holding a wash basin



break downfunction: verb date: 14th centurytransitive verb 1 a : to cause to fall or collapse by breaking or shattering b : to make ineffective lt;break down legal barriersgt;2 a : to divide into parts or categories b : to separate (as a chemical compound) into simpler substances : decompose c : to take apart especially for storage or shipment and for later reassemblingintransitive verb 1 a : to stop functioning because of breakage or wear b : to become inoperative or ineffective : fail lt;negotiations broke downgt; c : to fail in strength or vitality lt;her health broke downgt; d : to succumb to mental or emotional stress lt;broke down and criedgt; e : to lose one's resolve : give in lt;finally broke down and bought a computergt;2 of horses : to severely injure the supporting ligament or bones of the fetlock joint3 a : to be susceptible to or undergo analysis or subdivision lt;the statistics break down like thisgt; b : to undergo decompositionsynonyms see analyze



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air╟con;di;tion pronunciation: function: transitive verb etymology: back-formation from air conditioningdate: 1933 : to equip (as a building) with an apparatus for washing air and controlling its humidity and temperature; also : to subject (air) to these processes— air conditioner noun — air╟con;di;tion;ing noun